Equity and the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) have established an “Agreement of Continuance to the Canadian Theatre Agreement (CTA)” during which the parties will undertake an unorthodox mid-negotiation mediation process. Pending a successful mediation on two issues, Equity and PACT will resume negotiations on the over 200 remaining clauses. More CTA negotiation updates and background is available here.
Effective Monday, October 14, 2019, a 1.75% increase will apply to all minimum fees and other monetary amounts (all fees in fee booklet). Increases do not apply to any fee negotiated over scale unless the fee does not meet new minimum terms after the increase is applied. This minimum fee increase, coupled with the 2.75% increase in 2018 (fee rollover), makes for a 4.5% increase to CTA minimum fees in under two years.
As part of Equity’s acceptance of this rather unusual break for mediation, PACT has agreed to a 1.75% increase to select Minimum Fees only (a complete list is below) retroactive to June 24, 2019. Despite Equity’s best efforts, PACT would not agree to retroactively increase Minimum Fees under Article 55:00 Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA), even though there were likely very few contracts in force during the summer break. Note: Retroactive payments of less than $5 in total will not apply to those contracts completed prior to October 14, 2019.
Payment of retroactive fees owing to Artists and remittances owing to Equity on these retroactive amounts must be made no later than December 31, 2019.
Background: Despite Equity and PACT’s original agreement, bargaining did not resume mid-September. Instead, PACT approached Equity with an unyielding requirement to accept their proposals on Produce/Present and non-member filing fees before they would agree to continue negotiations.
- Produce/Present refers to how a PACT theatre may present a non-PACT company in their season. Equity and PACT have significant differences of opinion about what fees and conditions should apply when a PACT theatre contracts out to another company to provide programming.
- Non-member filing fees are deductions equivalent to those made from members, and are credited towards a non-member's eventual initiation fees. Unlike many other organizations, Equity does not charge non-members a work permit fee on top of these filing fees.
Equity pressured PACT to return to the bargaining table to resolve these issues. PACT was resolute and would only agree to continue negotiations if these two issues were first resolved satisfactorily in mediation.
Equity’s Council, in consultation with its CTA negotiation team led by Executive Director Arden R. Ryshpan agreed to proceed with this rather unusual mid-bargaining approach. Under the circumstances, it appeared to be the most responsible option for both Equity and PACT’s memberships, and the most conscientious path forward for all artists making theatre in this country. We will advise the Equity membership of mediation dates as soon as they have been determined.
Please contact a Business Representative with any questions.
Not sure who to email? Use busrep@caea.com.
A complete 2019-2020 CTA Fee Booklet is available HERE. Equity’s online Fee Calculators will be updated to reflect new minimums as soon as possible.
Please be advised: Equity will announce the planned changes and improvements to the Independent Theatre Agreement (ITA) in the coming days.
The Stratford Addendum to the CTA: As a result of the fact that CTA negotiations will not be concluded in the near future, the Stratford Festival has requested a one year rollover of their Addendum (which is on a slightly different schedule than the CTA). An announcement about this ratification will be made very shortly.
Retroactive increase of 1.75% applies to the following Minimum Fees for contracts in place as of Monday, June 24, 2019:
- 16:14 Actor point of Origin Minimum Fees
- 54:05 Actor Minimum Fees for a Joint Production
- 57:01 Workshop & Readings Minimum Fees
- 58:05(A) Sector 2 Theatres – Minimum Fees
- 58:25 Director Minimum Fees (Sector 2) – no change to Royalty
- 58:27 Choreographer Minimum fees – no change to Royalty
- 58:31(A) Workshop and Readings – Sector 2
- 58:38 Fight Directors (Sector 2)
- 60:02 Director Minimum Fees
- 61:04 Fight Director Minimum Fees
- 62:04 Choreographer Minimum Fees
- 63:07(A) & B) Stage Management – Sector 1 Minimum Fees and Joint Production Minimum Fees (Clause 63:07(C) TYA excluded)
- 63:07(D) & (E) Stage Management – Workshop & Readings