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Canadian Actors' Equity Association
The official news of Canadian Actors' Equity Association
Equity Elects Council Officers
4 Headshot Images of Council Officers
L to R: Scott Bellis, Kenn McLeod, Deena Aziz, Lora Brovold

Equity is pleased to announce national Council’s Officer positions. Saskatchewan Councillor Kenn McLeod was acclaimed First Vice-President, Quebec Councillor Deena Aziz was acclaimed Second Vice-President, and Northern Alberta Councillor Lora Brovold was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Equity President Scott Bellis remains in his position until 2026, the conclusion of a two-year term.

Equity’s newly elected Council held their first meeting January 26 and 27, gathering in Toronto for two days of training and planning for their three-year term. Looking ahead, Council will next reconstitute its committees and create a work plan, guided by the valuable input of the membership collected in the recent Focus Survey.

“I am excited by the level of care and positive spirit brought to the table this weekend by the new Council,” said Council President Scott Bellis. “The work that lies ahead for our Association will be well managed by your new representatives. I look forward to digging into it with them.”

Click here to reach out to a member of your Equity Council. For more information, please contact communications@caea.com.
Canadian Actors' Equity Association | 44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor, Toronto, ON M5C 3C4