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Canadian Actors' Equity Association
The official news of Canadian Actors' Equity Association
Equity Members Support Dues Increase
Canadian Actors’ Equity Association is pleased to announce the 2024 dues referendum has passed. Members voted 70% in favour of the proposed sustainability plan that includes a $20 dues increase as of May 2025, a subsequent increase of $12 effective May 2028, and the introduction of a new Dues Credit Initiative that will provide members with a credit towards their dues if Equity has a strong financial year. Voting closed at 3 pm ET today with 41% of the eligible voters having cast their ballot.

“Our Association is almost entirely funded by member dues. We rely on our members to support the important work Equity does – negotiating agreements, protecting our rights, lobbying on our behalf, and providing the many other services we artists rely on in our professional lives,” said Equity Council President, Scott Bellis. “I am heartened to see so many of my fellow members voice their support for Equity by voting ‘yes’ in this dues referendum, knowing it will help ensure the future of our Association.”

As per Equity’s Bylaws, any amendment relating to dues requires acceptance by 66.6% of the membership voting in a referendum of all members to pass.

More details on the dues referendum and Dues Credit Initiative are available here.

For questions, please contact communications@caea.com.
Canadian Actors' Equity Association | 44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor, Toronto, ON M5C 3C4