In accordance with the recently amended Bylaw 106, Equity will share an annual report of formal complaints under the Bylaws received by the Association and the status of each complaint.
Complaints may be filed against any member of the Association who engages in Inappropriate Behaviour (as defined in Bylaw 2) or other acts of unprofessional conduct. The Complaint and Disciplinary Process requires Equity Council to determine whether a complaint will be referred to a Disciplinary Panel, which may or may not rely on a third-party investigation to provide evidence in rendering their decision. Following the Panel’s decision, both the Complainant and Respondent have the right to appeal.
Here is a summary of complaints on file during the reporting period of November 1, 2022, to October 31, 2023, and where they stand in the process:
Complaint: DAC-105
Grounds: Bullying, discrimination, harassment, or violence in the workplace, abuse of power, reprisal, unprofessional conduct, and conflict of interest.
Decision and Status: Dismissed. Complainant failed to provide sufficient evidence to meet the standards of grounds for complaint.
Complaint: DAC-106
Grounds: Bullying, discrimination or harassment, or violence in the workplace, abuse of power, reprisal, unprofessional conduct, and conflict of interest.
Decision and Status: Dismissed. Complainant failed to provide sufficient evidence to meet the standards of grounds for complaint.
Complaint: DAC-107
Grounds: Bullying, discrimination, harassment, or violence in the workplace, and unprofessional conduct.
Decision and Status: Accepted and referred to a Disciplinary Panel. Based on the findings of a third-party investigation, the Respondent was fined as a result of their actions. The Respondent appealed the decision and Council has agreed to review the decision at the November 2023 meeting.
Complaint: DAC-108
Grounds: Abuse of power and reprisal.
Decision and Status: Dismissed. Complainant failed to provide sufficient evidence to meet the standards of grounds for complaint.
Complaint: DAC-109
Grounds: Bullying, discrimination, harassment, or violence in the workplace, abuse of power, reprisal, and unprofessional conduct.
Decision and Status: Accepted and referred to a Disciplinary Panel. A third-party investigation is ongoing.
Complaint: DAC-110
Grounds: Bullying, discrimination, harassment, or violence in the workplace and unprofessional conduct.
Decision and Status: Dismissed. The events described in the complaint did not occur under Equity’s jurisdiction.
Equity's Council encourages all members to be familiar with
Equity's Constitution and Bylaws, the rules that govern membership in our Association. For more information on your workplace rights and where you can go for support, please consult the
Member Guide to Respectful Workplaces.
For more information, please contact