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Canadian Actors' Equity Association
The official news of Canadian Actors' Equity Association
Equity and Coalition Partners Support Artists’ Bill

Equity and its partners in the Creative Industries Coalition have expressed support for Bill S-208, Declaration on the Essential Role of Artists and Creative Expression in Canada, presented by The Honourable Senator Patricia Bovey and currently before the Senate of Canada.

At its heart, the Bill recognizes the important role artists and the arts play in all aspects of Canadian society. It affirms that arts, culture, and heritage are essential and contribute to the health and the social and economic wellbeing of everyone in Canada, including in all aspects of social justice and reconciliation.

When introducing the Bill in the Senate, Senator Bovey stated, “The realities facing Canada right now have created the perfect opportunity to make this declaration about the arts, artists, and cultural engagement. We need to find ways to respect the important contributions made by the arts.” The declaration calls for fair and equitable treatment of artists in their working and contractual relations, and a basic standard of living.

The Declaration further states:
  • Any measures to implement the Declaration in Canada must take into account the diversity of Indigenous peoples;

  • Artists have the right to freedom of expression and association, especially on issues and at times of public debate;

  • Artists have the right to the intellectual property and copyright for their work, to be free from cultural appropriation, to equity in employment and to economic security, and to be accorded recognition for the value of their work, which is integral to our nation’s economic health;

  • Artists, arts organizations and production companies in Canada have the right — and should have the arm’s-length support and capacity — to take risks and invest in creative innovation while serving communities and the public interests.
The Creative Industries Coalition (Equity, IATSE, the Canadian Federation of Musicians (CFM), and the Associated Designers of Canada (ADC)), encourage its members working in live performance to read the entire text of Bill S-208 and consider showing their support by email to Ericka Dupont, Clerk of Social Affairs, Science & Technology of the Senate (soci@sen.parl.gc.ca).

Updates will be shared if the Bill passes into law, and subsequently when a required conference is convened within 180 days of the Act coming into force, and an action plan to deliver on the Bill’s intentions is created.
Canadian Actors' Equity Association | 44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor, Toronto, ON M5C 3C4