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Noel Burton


Noel Burton headshot

I joined CAEA in1978; British Equity in 1970; Actra in 1976; and UDA in 1995. I am a union man. Merci, Union des Artistes, pour ce surnom!


Last March Quebec Superior Court ridiculed CAEA for having suspended a member for “rolling his eyes and sighing” during a discussion of a script issue in rehearsal, and quashed the decision of the Disciplinary Panel.

I thought CAEA’s “Not In Our Space” policy means we are assured that union discipline is applied respectfully to all members?

However, Quebec Superior Court’s decision suggests that this is not the case.

I’m running for Council to ensure all our disciplinary procedures do not rush-to-judgement, that all members are treated equally.

With justice. 


Noel Burton

Member # 7684