Mental Health and Wellness Resources
The Mental Health & Wellness Committee has compiled a list of resources for members who may need assistance.
The 2019 Mental Health and Wellness Survey (Report Available Below)
December 2020: Equity is now happy to share the final report with members.
Council committees are already using the survey data to inform their work in different areas — be they discipline-specific issues or focused on sectoral change. The Equity Mental Health & Wellness Survey Report will continue to underpin action and advocacy to help artists sustain better health in their challenging careers.

The survey closed on December 2, 2019. Thank you to all who helped encourage their colleagues to participate, and to everyone who took the survey - resulting in a 38% response rate.
Members were given the opportunity to speak their minds on mental health issues relating to live performance work on and offstage, insurance coverage and more, helping Equity in establishing support strategies for artists to sustain healthy lives in healthy careers. More information is available in the Fall 2019 issue of EQ Magazine and in the Survey FAQ sheet.
Building and Strengthening Resiliency During COVID-19
Special guests and mental health experts Stephanie Kersta MSc RP and Carolyn Plater MSW RSW joined Equity for a valuable information session on building and strengthening resiliency during COVID-19.
Video recording from the meeting, including 30-minute guided meditation and additional resources are available below.
PART 1/2 (Discussion):
PART 2/2 (Meditation):
Meeting Resources
On November 27, 2018, Matthew Eldridge (MSW, RSW), Clinic Coordinator for the The Al and Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre, was invited to Equity Council to present and moderate an Education Session surrounding Mental Health in the workplace. The session was recorded and edited into five parts which are available for viewing below.
Please note: Equity has shared these video resources for the convenience of members. Information therein is not intended to be a substitute for information provided in a professional counselling situation. Equity has prepared a list of regional support services now available on its website. The services identified in this resource document are provided for member benefit and are not endorsed by Equity.
Part 1/5: Vulnerability of Live Performance Professionals
Part 2/5: The Show Must Go On
Part 3/5: The Importance of Validation
Part 4/5: Opposing Power Through Collective Action
Part 5/5: Ideas for Member Support