Council Committees


Council Committees

Council uses a flexible slate of issue- or action-based advisories. They are struck as needed throughout the term, and report directly to Council. These advisory bodies are regional, national, discipline or community-specific, as appropriate for the topic.

Questions about Council committees may be directed to Equity's Council President Scott Bellis.

The Council Education and Renewal Committee is responsible for the creation of a comprehensive Council Renewal Plan leading up to the Council elections, and the design and implementation of Council’s ongoing education and training.

Committee Members

The purpose of the Directors, Choreographers, Fight Directors and Intimacy Directors Committee is to provide general linkage to members who work in these disciplines. We hope to develop useful resources to support work opportunities as well to hear any concerns and issues that may arise in the field, which may require action in future contract negotiations or policy changes in general.

Access DCFID Resources here.

Committee Members

General linkage to members particularly those from diverse communities (including, but not limited to, diversity of race, religion, sexual orientation, and difference in ability, whether physical or mental), for the purpose of:

  • increasing Council awareness of concerns and issues important to these communities within the membership;
  • making recommendations to Council based on member input on how Equity can better serve/represent its members from diverse communities; and
  • seeking ways to raise awareness in the theatre community (e.g. engagers, and members who are directors) about ways to encourage representative diversity onstage, and in all related hiring within Equity's jurisdiction.

Committee Members

The Finance Monitoring Committee assists Council in the review of financial monitoring reports throughout the year.

Committee Members

The Honours Awards are presented by Council biennially (in even-numbered years). Equity's Honours Committee reviews nominations for the following award categories:

Life Membership is awarded to a member of Equity who has made an outstanding contribution to the performing arts within our jurisdiction.

Honorary Membership is awarded to a non-member of Equity who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association and/or its members, or to the performing arts.

The Larry McCance Award is presented to Equity members in good standing or to former staff members who have made an outstanding contribution to the Association.

The CAEA Award of Distinction was created for Council to express appreciation on an occasional basis. It may be given to an organization, individual, or group of individuals (excluding current staff), in recognition of a significant contribution benefiting the Equity membership.

Committee Members


Staff Liaison

This Committee will connect with the Indigenous membership, as well as the membership at large, for the purpose of:

  • increasing Council awareness of vital concerns that impact Indigenous membership;
  • making recommendations to Council based on member input on how Equity can better serve/represent its members from Indigenous communities, in consultation with Indigenous members and community consultants as necessary; and
  • seeking ways, with an Indigenous lens, to ensure equity for IBPOC artists within the Arts community;
  • working to amplify/champion/assert the cultural sovereignty of Indigenous members within Equity's jurisdiction, both on and off stage, in senior management, boards and patrons.

Committee Members

This committee is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of communication between Equity and its membership.


We envision a warm, interactive environment which members are knowledgeable about our collective agreements and the tools available to them, feel empowered to contact the Equity office about any workplace or customer service issues, are welcomed and included regardless of background and feel proud to be a part of our organization. The membership engagement committee will meet on a regular basis to strategize around member engagement and provide ideas and feedback to council.

Mission Statement

Equity is a membership-based organization. Members have a collective responsibility to know the collective agreements and be aware of organizational activities. The Membership Engagement Committee will undertake a series of initiatives to ensure members are informed and feel empowered to:

  • address workplace issues
  • connect with other members
  • take part in professional development activities
  • provide feedback to council and staff about the ever-evolving live performance environment

Committee Members


Staff Liaison

The Opera Advisory Committee's mission is to create discussion and heighten Council's awareness of the Association's members working in our discipline.

Committee Members

Visit the SM Resources page


The SM Committee is Council's link to members working in stage management across the country for the purpose of increasing Council awareness of concerns and issues important to the discipline. It also develops useful resources supporting the work of stage manager members. This Committee ensures that Council is aware of concerns from its constituency and to solicit policy recommendations from stage managers to Council as necessary.

Committee Members


Task Forces

The Members on Tour Task Force is responsible for creating education materials to better prepare Equity members for the psychological and physical rigors of going on tour for a show.

Committee Members

The Physical Health and Safety Task Force is responsible for reviewing physical health and safety provisions in Council policies, as well as Equity's agreements and engagement policies, to make recommendations for improvements and assist in creating relevant education materials for the membership.

Committee Members

This Task Force works to strengthen Equity's commitment to Safe and Respectful Workplaces through policy recommendations and implementation, and increasing education / awareness between Equity members and engagers to promote more positive work environments.


  • To review Council’s bylaws and policies, and Equity's agreements and engagement policies, to make recommendations for updates relevant to safe and respectful workplaces; and
  • To work jointly with staff, as an advisory body, to develop and assist in the implementation of education, awareness and response recommendations related to safe and respectful workplaces, assigned to Council and staff.

Committee Members

Staff Liaison

The Reprisal Task Force is charged with identifying possible actions which may be taken to address concerns members have when coming forward to provide information about a violation of their rights.

Committee Members


Joint Standing Committees

The Joint Standing Committee with ACTRA is tasked with examining the application of the Equity-ACTRA Reciprocal Agreement and recommending such changes or resolutions as necessary.

Committee Members

The Joint Standing Committee with AEA is tasked with examining the application of the Equity-AEA Reciprocal Agreement and recommending such changes or resolutions as necessary.

Committee Members